Walkway Community Association was formed in August 1992 by a group of residents to provide activities and programmes for all members of the community in the Ravenscroft/ Bloomfield/ Holywood Arches area. A committee was formed and with the help of East Belfast Community Council and other agencies we were soon delivering programmes and projects for all ages.
From 1992 to 1995 the Association met in members houses and hired the local church hall for activities and events. During this time, we were having discussions with Belfast Action Team, Belfast City Council, and other statutory agencies with the view to securing premises to house our organisation.
We were unable to secure premises in the local area and the only land available to build on was already purchased by the Department of Environment for the proposed Comber to Belfast Route that was to run through our area. Although this proposal had been around for quite some time, we were informed that no decisions had been made to take it forward in the near future. The Association then looked at the possibility of leasing some plots of the vacant land in order to place a portable building to work out of. This was seen as a short-term solution to the problem that would be addressed in the future when plans for the Comber to Belfast Route were finalised.
This idea was welcomed and supported by Belfast City Council and the Belfast Action Team (later to be known as Making Belfast Work). Belfast City Council secured a lease for the land from the DOE at 1-9 Finvoy Street and in 1995 the first floor of the Community Centre was erected. The portable building gave us the opportunity to provide social and recreational facilities and to provide resources for the local community. The Association grew from strength to strength with recognition being given for the work being carried out. It is important to recognise that during this time all activities, programmes and development within the community were conducted by volunteers. These volunteers availed of opportunities for training and personal development in all areas of community work and management of a community organisation.
In 1999 the organisation was successful in an application to the European Partnership Board to fund a Community Development Worker to further the aims and objectives of the group. We were running out of space to house the many user groups and projects and applied for funding to add an extension to the building; we were successful in this application and another floor was added in 2000. This led to an increase in the group's work and in 2001 the Association received funding for an Administrator and a Centre Supervisor to manage the upkeep of the building and the day to day running of the organisation.
The organisation continued to grow and there was always a desire to have a permanent building at the location. Once the land was released (for the Comber to Belfast road) from DRD in 2012, the management committee and staff worked on project ‘new build’ and was successful in a bid to the Social Investment Fund, Capital programme to fund the building. Construction commenced in late 2019 and following delays (due to issues with planning and Covid-19) the building was completed in 2023, and officially opened in September 2023.
Walkway Community Association currently employs staff to deliver Community Development and Youth programmes from Walkway Community Centre. Walkway Community Association has a proven history of working for their community and will continue to do so in the future. The organisation, it’s staff and volunteers were recognised for their commitment over the years, receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2017.
After 30+ years our dedication and commitment remains the same to improve the quality of life for all.